What exactly is emotional freedom techniques - EFT TApping

and how can it support you?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, or more known as EFT Tapping, is a mind-body process that neutralises the emotional charge in the body.
It is a practical self-help method, that uses ones own fingers to tap gently on the acupressure points on the meridian lines of Chinese medicine, and allows ones own innate healing ability to open in the body.

It helps us tune into the negative patterns that build up in our system over time. It brings the thoughts and emotions into the conscious awareness, where we can then work with them on a gentle, but powerful, level. The cortizol levels drop during a tapping session, which brings the body into a rest and digest state so healing can occur. This is where we can feel safe enough to look inward on a deeper level.

EFT Tapping can be supportive for limiting beliefs, physical pain, stress, PTSD, anxious patterns, emotional intelligence and many other issues. We are looking to gain clarity on, or resolution for the issues that are challenging you, and all in-between.

Being supported for wherever you are at the time, with a loving, intuitive guide can be the difference between the break through or a breakdown.
I personally do everything with a holistic approach, and will always support you with the bigger picture. In these sessions, you are in charge, have full autonomy and will only go as deep as you are ready to. I want to see people thrive in themselves, and this beautiful evidence based modality is one that is suitable for people who want to work on prevention and maintenance of their well-being, or have support to clear bigger issues holding them back.

NOTE: I am level two trained, certified and under the EFT International organisation for professional development and mentorship.

For more information, resources and information on EFT Tapping, please go to:
