Imagine being so secure in yourself, that things come easily for you..
That people want to help you, and you enjoy letting them
That life is here for you to grow and it gets to be easy.
Being so in love with yourself that the external doesn’t rattle you, and you stay on your path with trust.

Now, tell me..
How would it feel to let go of resentment towards your mother/female caregiver?
To truly say she did the best she could, and actually mean it?
It is possible, truly, and it gets to be easier than you think.

In 2.5 hours we are going to open up your awareness of victimhood in a way that your probably have never seen it before, and break you free from the shackles holding you, your past lineage and future lineage, bound.

Using the power of coaching, emotional freedom practices, inner awareness, forgiveness and journalling, we are going to crack through that armour and open you to more love.

It is time women did things differently.. It is 2024 and the era of boss babe, miss independent or extreme trad wife is over now.. its embodiment of more love time. Do you feel the call?

BREAK THE CHAIN is for all women, of any age and stage, that wants to be more self aware, more loving, more connected to herself and to heal her inner child.

We are:
- bringing awareness to what victimhood actually is, so we can shine a light on it (as nothing can be held until it is held),
- getting clear on what passive patterns of victimhood are playing out in our world, that we have learned over the years
- looking specifically at the mother wound with so much compassion so forgiveness can be felt
- somatically processing the emotions sitting in you to relieve some pressure and aches from the past, to move forward with more conscious clarity and awareness
- letting you have some space to actually be like holy heck, I can choose to NOT be like that, and not just say it, but actually change the pattern this time with practical, helpful steps to move forward.


  • How to see victimhood clearly

    Let’s bring some healthy awareness to victimhood and what it actually looks like, because its not an “in your face” energy like physical violence would be.

    Simple awareness, letting your mind create a visual so you can start to catch where you are falling into the trap in your own world.

  • Guided journalling practice

    We can go deeper when we are in a space thats holding the energy, so on our live call we will be journalling through a powerful awareness process that Rachel has used over the last 10 years to release patterns and loops on the mind and body.

    Bring a pen and paper, this is one that will shift your baseline of self awareness in the best way possible.

  • Emotional release

    We do not just bring things up around here wth words.. we clear them on a body and energetic level too. You will finish with a guided self connection process to release and transmute the emotions that arise throughout, with a technique you can take home and you daily if you feel.

  • live coaching

    Some of us work really well with a soundboard and real time reflections.. so you will have access to Rachel throughout the call to ask questions, be supported with stuck moments and really go into your inner world, beautifully.

    Coaching is optional. some of you will not need it, and others will.

Rachel combines coaching, energy work, somatic, holistic teaching and a unique approach to provide interactive, fun spaces for healing. It is not a clinical, read the powerpoint and get into it thing. This is an interactive workshop designed to guide you deeper than you would at home on your own, and growing along side other women so the shame can be dissipated when stories are told in safe spaces.

BREAK THE CHAIN is for all women who have just had enough of looping, and are ready to take herself to that next step of deeper empowerment, more self love and knowing herself better.
Then.. you can get your needs met,
have more time in the day,
a clearer & calmer mind and
overall just feel like life is here FOR you
, in those moments where it could feel otherwise.

Maybe you are at breaking point, or simply wanting to learn more and make the changes BEFORE it becomes and issue.. this will cover you wherever you are.

This is a workshop where you will want to be as uninterrupted as you possibly can. There will be a replay available for 14 days but this really is one you want to get your epic butt on the live for if you can. Replay will still be powerful.

Sunday 14 July, 4-6.30pm
Investment is $65
If finances are a barrier please reach out to Rachel directly and get in touch. This work is important and if you are wanting it, there will likely be a way

If you have any questions please reach out at @raise.withrachel on instagram or email me here (and subscribe to the email list, while you are at it if you feel)